Quick GIF for a 404 screen

One of my PEMCO teams needed an error screen. Being an insurance company, I put together this tumbling car for a 404 error.
404 tumbling car

404 tumbling car

Making the gif was quick, but it involved many tools to pull off. I first drew the assets in Illustrator (hillside and car), moved them to a canvas in Photoshop to figure out the math of the animation (the X and Y of the hillside), then I made a comp in After Effects. After getting a MOV file I liked, I finally moved that back to Photoshop to optimize a gif (it’s still a little large at 500kb).
Tumbling car in After Effects

Tumbling car in After Effects

It turned out pretty cool! If making GIFs in After Effects, don’t forget to turn on motion blur; it makes everything look better and allows you to cut more frames out of your final GIF. Check it out in action:
Claim Portal 404

Claim Portal 404